Wednesday 30 July 2014

10 tips on creating a blog

So these are just my tips on creating a blog and what seems to of worked for me. I am lucky enough to of not even had this blog a month yet but I've had 2000+ set of eyes read what I've posted and had some positive feed back so far! As much as I'd love blogging to be my full time job unfortunately it isn't, but it is my hobby and that suits me nicely :).

1. - Plan 
Make a little plan in your head or a note book or wherever is best for you and just jot some ideas down of what you'd like your blog to look like, your target audience and what you'd like to achieve from it. 

2. - Your content 
Know what you want to talk about, whether it's beauty, gaming, advice etc there's an audience for every single topic under the sun, don't just follow the lead of a successful blog, use your knowledge. 

3. - Passion 
Similar to no. 2, if you have a main passion use that to your advantage, people will be a lot more engrossed if you know what you're talking about. The amount of blogs that I've seen fail because they've just tried to copy the successful ones. You're unique, show people what you have to offer. 

4. - Name 
Short and sweet - you want your name to be something catchy that will stick in people's minds easily. 

5. - Layout 
Your layout will say a lot about your personality. Do it how you like it, by all means take inspiration but no body loves a copy cat! 

6. - Images 
I try to include an image or two in at least every post, it breaks your post down and makes it easier on the eyes. Sometimes your images will speak louder than your words. 

7. - Pressure 
Your blog is personal and no body is forcing you to write it even if they enjoy your content you don't owe it to anybody to put a post up every day or every couple of days. Quality over quantity! If your blog starts taking off, as exciting as it is don't let yourself become overwhelmed or pressured to get posts up, regular content is important but so is your sanity so do it when you're feeling comfortable. 

8. - Pride 
Even though blogging isn't my job I feel an amazing amount of pride if I post a successful entry. You want to be happy with your content. Unless it's a spontaneous blog post I keep a list on my phone of the things I hope to write about, I will usually write the post the night before and go over it before I publish it the following day. Leave time for change and improvement.

9. - Expectations 
Don't create your blog with the expectation that you're going to get 10,000 hits a day. It's going to take time for the acknowledgement to become reoccurring but trust me it's so satisfying seeing your numbers rise; if you keep on top of it and don't give up the acknowledgement you deserve will shortly follow. Use your blog as a diary something for you to enjoy rather than something you're expecting everybody else to enjoy. 

10 - HAVE FUN!!
This is your personal space, be as open or as closed off as you want. Talk about your interests or subjects close to your heart. Your blog will shine a lot of your personality so put your all into making it the best you possibly can (which I'm sure will be fantastic). Don't take things too seriously, life is too short to not have fun with the elements of your life you enjoy! 

I hope this has helped some of you and until next time my loves - 


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