Thursday, 31 July 2014

The A - Z of me.

A few years ago once I'd finished school and I had left I carried on to do photography, I've always loved photography and it's something my dad loves too so it's nice to have that in common.
One of our assignments was to do an A - Z of ourselves and in a none narcissistic way it was my favourite project that we got to do.
So I thought that I'd show mine, it's a bit dusty now and I've looked through it and cringed a billion times; but hopefully you enjoy it and get to know me a little better! However I'm not going to use all the letters, just a handful of my favourite!!

Bold - The view from my old living room window of the Albert Docks *sob*. However my parents came up with this word for me, I'm told quite frequently that I'm a 'bold person' - I can be quite reserved most of the time but if I have a passion I'll really go for it! (And so should you!)

Crusifics - Religion is a massive part of my life, I've been brought up with it since day one but this is a tattoo on the back of my neck which for me symbolises that I am Agnostic.

Dark - One that even a few years later I'm still relating to, we all have our dark times in our life and I've gone through my fair share of dark patches before today and this path is just to symbolise that there is light at the end of it all.

Eccentric -  I think this word pretty much speaks for itself, I like to be eccentric and creative and think outside the box. As long as you're not throwing yourself into the river Mersey I don't see the harm.

Family - My rock.

Identity - Will we ever know who we really are? Do you ever feel like you're wearing a mask and no one understands? I know I've felt like that before.

Nurturing - I'd like to think I'm quite a nurturing person, my close friend gave me this word and I do agree, I'd enjoy having a kind heart and caring for others. (And rescuing stray cats of course)!

Vulnerable - I just really like this photo. However when I was younger I was a very vulnerable child and it's something that will stay with me through out my entire life. We're all vulnerable at times in our life and it's not something you should feel ashamed about, just something you're aware of so you can work on it.

 Weight - This photograph actually makes me feel sick that I'm putting it up on my blog, let me stress that both sides of the mirror are HEAVILY edited and it's the message the photo is trying to give that's important. But that's all I want to say for that one - Some times images speak louder than words.

Years - These are some of my photo albums that represent the 20 years of my life and before my existence. They mean a great deal to me and I feel that photos are something you should cherish forever, good memories are very precious. 

So there you have it; I hope this has given you a bit more 'information' about me and who I am. Whether it's through the photographs or the words. I think everybody should try and do this, even just as a as a personal project. Whether you post it online or just keep it for yourself, you'd be surprised what you think of yourself, I know I was!

Thank you for reading today's post, I hope you found it somewhat interesting and hopefully my post tomorrow is going to be my first 'Day in the life post' since I have something going on with my girlies!

Until next time my loves,
TTFN :) xxx

*Disclaimer - All these photographs are mine and have all been taken by me, either hand held or using a wireless remote. They've been taken on a Nikon D700 and edited in photoshop. Thank you*

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